The Sefton Group was developed by People First Merseyside in 1999.

We are a group of self-advocates working in Sefton as part of the Sefton Transforming Care Partnership Board. This board was set up so that people with a learning disability, family carers, care providers, the Council and Health Services could come together to work to improve the lives of People with a learning disability.

The job of our group is to represent all People with learning disabilities in Sefton.

We run the Get Involved Group which meets every other month to talk about the issues for people with learning disabilities.  We speak up about what is happening in Sefton and discuss the things that are affecting our lives, this includes health, housing, day services, hate crime and relationships.

We also attend many of the network meetings including the Health and Social Care Forum and Healthwatch Community Champions Networks and the Sefton Community Advisory Group which is facilitated by Merseyside Police.

Phil Hume chairing the GIG meeting, January 2020.

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