After a long 12 months of delays, postponements and cancellations, we have finally been able to start delivering our Cancer Red Flag and Lung Health roadshows again.

Yesterday, we were delighted to deliver a virtual roadshow on Zoom to the lovely group at PossAbilities CIC in Halton.

Phil and Emma took the lead in delivering the roadshow. We started with an ice breaker exercise that helped the group to understand more about their lungs, what they do and how to keep them healthy.

We then moved onto our Cancer Red Flag Symptoms training, where we talked about how important it is to ‘Go and see the Doctor’ if you notice any changes in your body.

We really enjoyed being able to meet new people and later on we got some lovely feedback from Kathy, the Administritive officer for PossAbilities CIC. This is what she said:

“Thank you for a great roadshow today, would you please also thank your team, volunteers and students for delivering an engaging presentation which was really informative. Delivery was interactive and informal which everyone loved. You kept all of our service users and staff engaged throughout.”

We are still looking for groups to deliver roadshows to across the North West and Yorkshire and Humber. We can run a virtual roadshow lasting about an hour on Zoom.

We are also booking in Covid secure face to face roadshows from June onwards, these last 2 hours. We have a small budget to cover costs of venue hire to enable social distancing if necessary.

If you are interested in us delivering a roadshow for your group, either virtually or in person, please get in touch with Helen or Joanne on: 0151 329 2137 or email or


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