After 4 years on the 1st on June we delivered our last Red Flag Roadshow.

The setting for our last roadshow was York, Lesley and Phil would be our trainers for the day. Maria Foster from NHS England who had funded this work was in attendance.

Lesley and Phil did an amazing job as usual talking to people about Lung health and Cancer Signs and symptoms making sure our audience had a really good time.

The Red Flag and Lung health project has been a piece of work that everyone at People First Merseyside is extremely proud of, we have had the opportunity to travel across the North of England, from Bradford to Blackburn from Whalley to York. We have loved staying in hotels and discovering places we had never been before. All of our hosts have made us feel really welcome, we have made friends along the way.

We have met some amazing people along the way delivering the training to over 600 people with learning disabilities and their support.

Thank you to NHS England for funding us  and a massive thank you and well done  to all the members of People First Merseyside that worked so hard to make it happen.

We are now working on some new projects so keep your eyes peeled for news of what we are up to.


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