Recently, the members have been working hard on the Organ Donation and Writing a Will resource packs. Over the next few weeks, the packs will hopefully be ready to show to a number of different people, in order to check if they’re helpful to those who will use them. The group has also been very busy creating sensory stories. Each week, one member chooses to create and show the group a story of someone they have lost. The story is made up of different things that will target all of the five senses, such as music and scents that remind them of the person or the memory. The sensory work has been amazing so far and there is more to come each week, so keep an eye on our Facebook to find out more.

The DAVID project also went on a trip to Keighley to attend the Death and Dying Conference. Three members, Paul, Hannah and Paul travelled down on the train with three of the project workers, so that they could present an amazing presentation that they put together about the DAVID project. The day was a complete success, everybody loved the members presentation, had lots of questions and we all learnt a lot from the other attendees. We would love to come back next year to share even more once we have completed our brilliant resources.

The group has also recently done a session on Digital Legacies. The group felt this was an important topic that there is not much accessible information on, so they decided to have a whole morning dedicate to this. We looked at how important it is to decided what to do with your online account after you die. One of our members, Emma, did a presentation on how to sort out your digital legacy on Facebook. The presentation was amazing and really well thought out and we cant wait to learn more!

There is lots of brilliant work to come so stay tuned to find out more exciting things!


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