Last year, we started our project about Learning Disability Annual Health Checks. We want to raise awareness of Annual Health Checks and empower people with learning disabilities to ask for one.

We created an accessible booklet that tells you all about Annual Health Checks, how to get one, why they are important and what should happen when you have one. The booklet also includes a tear of slip that you can fill in and take to your GP surgery to tell them you would like and Annual Health Check.

We had to delay our plans to run workshops to promote the booklets because of Covid-19. However, we are pleased to say that we have now been able to start planning the workshops and plan to run them later in the year in the Sefton area.

We had already made rough plans about the things we need to include in the workshops while we were working on Zoom. On Wednesday afternoon, we were able to get together to run through what we had planned to help us think about what works well and what we need to improve.

The main part of our workshops will be a roleplay. We had lots of fun practicing the role play and working through each of the scenes. Robert did a fantastic job bringing the role play to life and acting out the main part.

We still have a lot to do but over the next few weeks we will be doing more work to develop the workshops so we will be ready to start running them in the Autumn.

If your group or organisation is interested in us running a workshop for you later in the year please contact Helen or Joanne on 0151 329 2137.


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