If you do not have a PayPal account you can still donate securely through PayPal using a credit card without setting up an account.

All donations help us to continue helping people with learning disabilities to speak out, be respected and live active, healthy and happy lives.

Donate Through PayPal

If you are selling items on eBay you can help us by donating a percentage of your sale to People First Merseyside.

You can donate between 10% to 100% of your sale and eBay will reduce your seller fees by the same percentage.

Donate through eBay

Whenever you shop online you could be helping People First Merseyside at no extra cost to yourself!

All you need to do is set up an Easyfundraising account, choose us as your cause and when you shop online use the Easyfundraising website or phone app.

Every time you shop at one of over 3,200 websites Easyfundraising will make a donation to us!

Donate through easy fundraising

Whenever you shop online at Amazon you could be helping People First Merseyside at no extra cost to yourself!

All you need to do is choose us as your cause and instead of www.amazon.co.uk use www.smile.amazon.co.uk when you shop.

Every time you buy something Amazon Smile will make a donation to us!

Donate through Amazon Smile

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