This afternoon our members had a coffee afternoon with Daniel and Paul.

We talked about what people might like to do for future Fun Friday activities and now have a huge list of exciting potential activities ranging from Play Your Cards Right to Judo lessons. We’re not sure how many are doable over Zoom but we have a great selection of ideas to look at!

We also played Lisa’s lockdown poem with music by Daniel. The members loved it and said:

“That was lovey, it was all true”

“It was very emotional, it was perfect”

We also talked about people’s lockdown good news! Peter’s niece got all As in her A-Levels and is going to go to University to be a nurse, Maria’s niece is due to have a baby boy in a few months and Ryan is loving his new flat!

We ended with a quick tour of the office showing the changes we’ve made to make everything safe!


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