People with learning disabilities have poorer health than the general population, as a result they are at risk of dying prematurely.
Having a Learning Disability Annual Health Check with the GP is a way of identifying problems at a point at which they can be treated or even cured.
Every person with a learning disability is entitled to have a Learning Disability Annual Health Check however, the uptake is low.
This Project is funded by NHS England and will enable People First Merseyside to produce and easy read guide to explain the process of a Learning Disability Annual Health Check, what to expect during the Annual Health Check and questions to ask that you can ask your GP.
We will also be producing a card so that individuals can be empowered to ask their GP for a Learning Disability Annual Health Check instead of waiting to be invited.
We will also include some Learning Disability Annual Health Check awareness raising sessions for people with learning disabilities across Sefton.
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